For Anyone Interested In Creating Extra Income Online In 2025.
How a Dyslexic Construction Worker Figured Out How To Make More Money In 1 Hour, Than He Used To Make Working 60 Hours a Week’.
Revealed: The Hidden Systems I Used To Swap My Construction Job For A 7 Figure Online Income… 
All Without Any Experience! 
Escape Plan IS1: Unlock The Blueprint to My 4 Million Dollar Digital Product Systems… And Use Them Yourself. 

Click The Video To Play



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ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!
What Is The Escape Plan IS1?
The simple answer is:
The Escape Plan IS1 is my blueprint for creating simple online income streams from scratch (or Zero), and banking as much money as possible, in the shortest time, with the least amount of work.
Would you like to know how to create simple online income streams today?
For example...
I’ll show you how I made an extra $123,936 in 6 months from scratch, with zero experience, & zero capital. Working part time (evenings), while still working on construction sites during the day. Imagine making an extra 6 figures in 6 months, and knowing you’ll never have to work for anyone else again.

I’ll give you the instructions to a really simple, and totally free to use ‘copy and paste' system I recently figured out that routinely makes me $532.41 to $769.10 for around 3 hours of work, using nothing but free traffic… You can start doing this yourself today!

I’ll even show you how IFTF affiliate systems make us money (affiliate commission) from other peoples digital products without us needing to do any marketing or selling.

I.E. With IFTF the only thing we, or you ever have to do is give away access to free training… That’s it, the IFTF system does everything else for us… and enables us to make up to $1459.00 each time.

Imagine having a fully automated marketing machine working for you night and day to make you sales.

Extremely High Quality

I have followed Mark throughout the years and was always impressed at the courses and software’s that he has created. 

Once you see Marks name is associated with a product, you can be assured that it is going to be of extremely high quality and more importantly not another shiny object. I have found that Marks courses/programs offer huge value for money.

Additionally, the programs work once you take the recommended action.

Dave Ball

Look out for IFTF Systems on this page…
*IFTF’s are fully built, fully automated systems which use ongoing tagging, hardcoding & automation.

Mark Bishop

So… Who am I & why listen to me?

My name is Mark Bishop
In general terms I’m a digital marketer, and coach. I sell digital products as a vendor, and as an affiliate, I also teach others how to do the same. I guess you could say that today I’m reasonably successful at what I do, but of course I didn’t start off successful. I started my online journey aged 45, working online part time alongside my day job in the construction industry, with zero computer skills, zero technical ability or understanding, and with very little spare cash. But still managed to make over $4,000,000 online.

Why mention my background and income?
I simply want you to know before you read the rest of this page that the person teaching you actually knows what he’s talking about, and that what I’ll show you is real. I also want to make it clear that ordinary people with no prior skills or experience really can achieve whatever they set out to do… 
Which includes you.

So... The Escape Plan IS1… 

It isn’t one thing… It’s Everything.

When you access The EscapePlan IS1, you'll receive instant access to the very systems and instructions I’ve used to swap a dead end, low paid job… For a 7 figure internet business, where I can, and often do, make more in a single hour, than I used to make working 60 hours a week.
Can you picture yourself being able to make more money in '1' hour than you currently make in a week?

Everything is yours for the taking right now…

  • No waiting about… You get it all instantly.
  • No high prices, or endless upsells either.
At today's massively discounted price of just $7 we’re almost giving away access to the EscapePlan IS1.

You’ll understand why we’re doing this in a moment, but first… let me share a ‘SECRET’ with you.

Copy & Paste Affiliate System.

No list or costs involved. This is my go to quick cash system which I often use to make a quick $500 - $800 in affiliate commission for around 3 hours work.

The IFTF Affiliate System.

IFTF’s are fully built, fully automated systems which use ongoing tagging, hardcoding & automation.

Reverse Promotion Affiliate System.

To date this system has generated $318,037.23 from 2 versions. 

Plus $19,344.61 in commission on one account… And another $8,871.73 on another. 

Ever wondered what…

The Real ‘Secret’ To Making Money Online Is...

...It starts with who you are.
For example... If you’re a well educated person, and you can afford to throw money at a problem, then you already have attributes you can use as leverage to make money online.

But most of us don't have either… I certainly didn’t.
Most of us think the secret to unlocking big consistent pay days is experience, money, contacts, lists, or maybe even building a brand… 

Most of us think we need to spend months and months learning new skills, and figuring out tech before we can make our first dollar online, but none of that is true. If it was, then, I'd still be working on a building site.

The real secret ‘for people like me’ & possibly you, is: 


The right system is like a jigsaw puzzle with numbers on each piece so you know exactly where each piece goes before you start.
I.E. With the right system, I already know that if I do this, and then do that in the right order… I will make money…
…I don’t need to think about things, I don’t need to wonder if this will work, or if that will work… I simply follow the system, because I already know it works
And if you’re anything like me then...

The 'right system' is the secret to making money online…

That’s what the EscapePlan IS1 is. 
Ref: Feedback & testimonials refer to affiliate systems & system instructions covered in EscapePlan IS1.

$485.56 Yesterday

This has definitely got me excited, explosive from the outset… Amazing… $485.56 yesterday, not too shabby🙂. 1000% positive… Thanks so much

Mike McKay

Do You Need An Escape Plan?

Would You Like To Know How To Create Simple Online Income Streams Today?

Look, Let’s Not Waste Each Other's Time.

Let me come straight to the point. 

I’m going to show you the systems I use to make a lot of money from other people’s digital products online.

I focus on other peoples digital products (affiliate marketing) because it’s quick, easy, and highly profitable, and because there are little to no costs, stress or ongoing work involved.

I use what most people would describe as counterintuitive affiliate systems. Counterintuitive because the systems I use are not conventional, they don’t work like other affiliate systems.
But they do work… which is kind of the point.

You should also know from the outset that what I’m going to share with you isn’t push-button. I’m not going to tell you, you can push a button and get rich, because that kind of stuff isn’t real.

Every system I give you instructions to, will require some effort.

Harsh, Mean? Let me be honest with you…
If the idea of putting a little effort into something that has the potential to make you 1000s of extra dollars each week isn’t something you feel you could do, then the EscapePlan IS1 isn’t for you, and it’s probably time to close this page.

If on the other hand you are prepared to follow simple instructions & do what we show you, then your success is pretty much written in the stars the moment you start, as it was for me.

Truly a Gem

I don't usually buy courses on how to make money online. In the age of scams, guff and time wasters, I am pleased to say that Marks Copy, paste & share system is truly a gem. 

Dave Barnett 

Are you ready to start creating your new reality today?

Click the button below for instant access.

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!

5-Stars out of 5

5-stars out of 5, and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a different approach to affiliate marketing.

John Lee Thomas

Effective System

As a customer that has purchased more than one product through Mark's link just to get Mark's bonus, I can attest to how effect his system is. In fact, I am pretty sure I bought a couple of things I really was not that interested in but Mark's bonus was that enticing.

Melody Wigdahl

You Choose The System…

Like I said, The EscapePlan IS1 isn’t 1 thing, it’s everything… These are the systems I’ve used to make a small fortune from digital products… starting from a big fat ZERO.

I’ve put them all in one place so YOU can choose which system to use & where to start.

You could start by diving into the world of digital products in little known and vastly overlooked niches. This is a system, born from my early experiments, and reveals how targeting specific, largely unknown markets can lead to significant extra income.

Like the extra $123,936 in 6 months

I mentioned previously.

The following images show some of the results achieved from focusing on little known markets with low competition & highly motivated buyers. 
Hint: Just because the vast majority of marketers, and affiliates don’t know about these markets doesn’t mean these little known markets don’t have a massive ‘highly motivated’ customer base… They do!

It Works!

If you have decided that you want to do affiliate marketing to make money online, you can find lots of training all over the internet, but I have not seen anyone teaching the method used in... This is a new approach that is simple, evergreen, and ethical - it works!

Sandy Walsh
The fact that most don’t know about, or consider these markets often means weak to non-existent competition. 

Think about it…. Thousands & thousands of underserved ‘potential customers’ sitting there waiting to be shown the solution they are looking for…. And yet; there's very little competition.

It’s a winning combination… This is the criteria I've tapped into many times, and made 100s of 1000s in the process (not just the 124k I told you about).

Is this a system that appeals to you?

Perhaps you’re the type of person who likes to do something now, and see results in a few hours time?

Who doesn’t like...

same day results!

I’m a big fan of ‘Instant Gratification’ (or almost) myself, which is why I love copying existing material from one place, pasting it in another with a link, and then popping the whole thing in front of 1000s and 1000s of potential buyers for free.

I think we can all agree that copying and pasting is pretty easy?
This system isn’t just easy though, it’s also totally free to implement, and has proven to be highly profitable…

Start To Make Money.

When you're beginning, you need a low cost place to start and this is it!!

This kind of course has been long overdue. As someone who has spent 10's of thousands on courses over the years, I can say with certainty this is a course any beginner can implement with ease and start to make money.

It's a great course and anyone purchasing it and putting it into action will make money.

Everyone needs to start somewhere and that place is here.

Laura M Caracciolo

Perfect For Beginners

The beauty of the system is in it's simplicity which means even a beginner can put it into action quickly.... definitely an advantage for the procrastinators amongst us. 

It's a novel twist on affiliate marketing and suited to many markets.

Jill Blake
I often choose this system to use if I’m looking to make some quick money online.

For example… I recently used this simple little system to make an extra $769.10 over 7 days, while only doing 3 hours of work

That’s 3 hours to make over 760 bucks, or $233 an hour.
In the same week I spent another 4 hours creating another little copy and paste project which ended up making $808.98 in affiliate commission.

This kind of affiliate marketing almost feels like cheating… because it really is that simple.

It’s simple to use, and totally free to implement, that even includes the traffic… It’s also popular with those who already have access.
Just think, in a few minutes from now you’ll know how to use this system yourself… You could do this too, and see results today…
It’s all in the EscapePlan IS1.

And there’s more…

What about the reverse promotion affiliate system?

It's completely back to front, yet I’ve made more money from this one affiliate system than any other.

To date this system has generated $318,037.23 from 2 versions. Plus $19,344.61 in commission on one account...
Another $8,871.73 on another, and 10s of 1000s in extra commission from lots of other products.

To date 9,714 people are either using this system now, or have used it to make affiliate commissions from digital products which they don’t, or didn’t even promote.

It’s all inside 'EscapePlan IS1' along with results, and feedback from people who already have access.
Will you be next?

$485.56 Yesterday

This has definitely got me excited, explosive from the outset… Amazing… $485.56 yesterday, not too shabby🙂. 1000% positive… Thanks so much

Mike McKay

Fool Proof 

Mark you are a GENIUS!! 
I love this system and how you made it just about fool proof to make money.

Renise Smith

$83.97 Using For The First Time!

I made 12 sales (totalling $83.97) It works!

Bobby Dolcee

And Then There’s… 

The IFTF System 

Which ‘as I’ve already mentioned’ takes the work (or most of it) out of the affiliate marketing business.

IFTF is in my opinion the ‘Ultimate Affiliate System’
It is without doubt the pinnacle… It’s the best system I’ve ever figured out & it’s the greatest system we’ve ever created.

Why? Because essentially an IFTF is a Money Making Machine.
Imagine NEVER having to set anything up, market or sell anything ever again, yet still making affiliate commission, more commission than you ever thought possible, on a consistent basis…

That would be pretty slick wouldn’t it?

I don’t use the term ‘Money Making Machine’ lightly, and IFTF’s still require a little effort on your part. But that effort begins and ends with giving away ‘Ready Made’ high quality video based training for nothing… Yes, totally free.

We simply give away free access to training pages… 

Then, as soon as anyone (let's call them prospects) watches the training it triggers the IFTF system, and this is where the magic happens (I.e. the money making machine).
Here's a quick breakdown.
  • I (or you) give away access to free video based training.
  • The prospect watches.
  • The prospect is tagged & added to campaign #1.
  • ​My affiliate links ‘for lots of different products’ are hardcoded to the prospect.
  • ​The IFTF system then tracks the prospect on an ongoing basis, moving the prospect to different campaigns depending on what the prospect buys, or how they interact with what they are shown.
  • ​And every purchase that prospect makes is credited to me. Not just from one product, or one product funnel… but for every single product in the system, including high ticket products.
This means... I can make 1000s of dollars from one prospect without lifting another finger. My role (or yours, if you use one of our pre-built IFTF’s) begins and ends with giving away free training… That’s it.
Everything else is 100% automated, and works for us in the background 24/7. We don’t even need our own autoresponder.

Can you see why I used the phrase ‘Money Making Machine’?
Is this a system you can picture yourself using?
For most the answer is a resounding YES!

Are You A Beginner?

Are You Just Getting Started?

Would using an 'IFTF system' make things easier for you?
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Get Full Instant Access To EscapePlan IS1 Today For:

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!
Ref: Feedback & testimonials refer to affiliate systems & system instructions covered in EscapePlan IS1.

Truly a Gem

I don't usually buy courses on how to make money online. In the age of scams, guff and time wasters, I am pleased to say that Marks Copy, paste & share system is truly a gem. 

Dave Barnett 

Can't Fail...

I have previously bought some of Marks products and have always been amazed at how much of a natural teacher he really is. 

The only reason you will fail with this system, is by not taking action. 

Dave Ball
Income from little know markets.

5-Stars out of 5

5-stars out of 5, and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a different approach to affiliate marketing.

John Lee Thomas

Effective System

As a customer that has purchased more than one product through Mark's link just to get Mark's bonus, I can attest to how effect his system is. In fact, I am pretty sure I bought a couple of things I really was not that interested in but Mark's bonus was that enticing.

Melody Wigdahl

It Works!

If you have decided that you want to do affiliate marketing to make money online, you can find lots of training all over the internet, but I have not seen anyone teaching the method used in... This is a new approach that is simple, evergreen, and ethical - it works!

Sandy Walsh

Extremely High Quality

I have followed Mark throughout the years and was always impressed at the courses and software’s that he has created. 

Once you see Marks name is associated with a product, you can be assured that it is going to be of extremely high quality and more importantly not another shiny object. I have found that Marks courses/programs offer huge value for money.

Additionally, the programs work once you take the recommended action.

Dave Ball

Perfect For Beginners

The beauty of the system is in it's simplicity which means even a beginner can put it into action quickly.... definitely an advantage for the procrastinators amongst us. 

It's a novel twist on affiliate marketing and suited to many markets.

Jill Blake

Start To Make Money.

When you're beginning, you need a low cost place to start and this is it!!

This kind of course has been long overdue. As someone who has spent 10's of thousands on courses over the years, I can say with certainty this is a course any beginner can implement with ease and start to make money.

It's a great course and anyone purchasing it and putting it into action will make money.

Everyone needs to start somewhere and that place is here.

Laura M Caracciolo

Fool Proof 

Mark you are a GENIUS!! 
I love this system and how you made it just about fool proof to make money.

Renise Smith

Included In EscapePlan IS1

Copy & Paste Affiliate System.

How to create your own copy & paste affiliate campaigns using existing material, and then share it for free. 

No list or costs involved. This is my go to quick cash system which I often use to make a quick $500 - $800 in affiliate commission for around 3 hours work.

Capitalise On Vastly Overlooked Niches.

Discover how I made an extra $123,936 in 6 months from scratch, with zero experience, & zero capital. 

Working part time (evenings), while still working on construction sites during the day.

The IFTF Affiliate System.

IFTF’s are fully built, fully automated systems which use ongoing tagging, hardcoding & automation.

We give away free training and the IFTF system does everything else for us… and enables us to make up to $1459.00 each time.

Examples & Results.

A system is only ever as good as the results it enables the user to achieve. 

Inside EscapePlan IS1 we’ll share real examples which have been shared in public and corroborated, 10s of $1000s in real results, and feedback from system users.

No Autoresponder Required.

Most affiliate systems require an autoresponder, but not this one.

We’ll show an almost fully automated affiliate system which doesn’t require you to use your own autoresponder, so there is never any set up, tech or domain authentication to do. But you can still access your leads whenever you want them.

The Digital Goldmine

Revealed… Which types of products make the most? We’ll show you the specific type of products we focus on to ensure we make more. 

E.G with the product type we’ll show you it’s possible to target 1 product but get paid from multiple without any additional effort.

Step By Step Instructions

From picking the right product to implementing the affiliate systems. EscapePlan IS1 has the instructions you need. 

You’ll be amazed at what’s really possible in terms of extra income for ordinary people once they know how to use the right system.

Reverse Promotion Affiliate System.

To date this system has generated $318,037.23 from 2 versions. Plus $19,344.61 in commission on one account…
And another $8,871.73 on another. 

9,714 people are either using this system now, or have used it to make affiliate commissions from digital products which they don’t, or didn’t even promote.

My New Product: The Power Of 7

The Power Of 7 details a number of psychology marketing tricks to make more sales, and more commission without any additional work.

You can easily use these simple strategies yourself as we’re including this product with your $7 purchase of ‘EscapePlan IS1’ today.

Full EscapePlan IS Training & Walkthrough.

I’ll show you the next level systems we’ve been developing and working on for the last couple of years. 

Such as Full IFTF systems which automate virtually the whole affiliate marketing business model across a network of products, systems, and funnels, while removing nearly all of the work.

Author Interview...


Here's an Example Comparison.
The following comparison assumes the affiliate is a complete beginner, and shows the work that needs to be done to create a simple 2 page affiliate system from scratch yourself (Left). The righthand column shows the work the same complete beginner would need to do when using a pre-made, fully automated IFTF system.
Using an IFTF system isn't for everyone, some people still like to do everything themselves. Personally though, I'd rather not have to do most of the work, so I can just skip to the part where I make money.

Either way, like the other systems, IFTF systems are explained in the EscapePlan IS1 too.
Better than that though, is the fact that;  

*We've actually built you an IFTF system...

To use yourself the moment you log in… If you want to? 
*Remember when I said ‘No high prices or endless upsells either’. Well your IFTF system is our *One & Only upsell (available on the next page).
*There really is only 1 upsell, and this is it.
I.e. If you decide to purchase The EscapePlan IS1 (this product) today which at the moment is discounted all the way down to just $7, then you’ll be offered access to your own Pre-Built IFTF for an additional cost of $37.

Your pre-made IFTF is our only upsell, and it’s completely optional.

Optional because… You definitely don’t have to have your own IFTF system (the upsell). But we figured many of you would want it, because using it means you only need to give away access to free video training (which is also included as part of your IFTF).
Your choice…

Full details about your own pre-made IFTF system will be shown on our upsell page to anyone who purchases The EscapePlan IS1 (this product, currently priced at $7).

Still Here?


This Offer Will Expire Without Notice

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!
If what we’ve told you on this page about the systems included in this product hasn’t already inspired you to click the button and get started… Then perhaps the ridiculously low price is giving you some cause for concern?

After all, a product priced so low (currently $7) can’t be any good can it? Surely anything this cheap, has to be rubbish, right?

Wrong… Here’s why:
Our business model has changed. We no longer launch product after product to make money, because we don’t have to.

Our business model today focuses on providing the right information, and systems to our customers. Our business model today is designed to educate, and help our customers achieve the goals and results they desire in the easiest, and quickest way possible.

The tiny price tag (currently $7) enables us to share our message to a much wider, and much bigger audience… That’s it.

And if the thought of risking $7 is playing on your mind we’ll even guarantee it’s safe for you.

Your $7 Is Guaranteed.

If you purchase the EscapePlan IS1 now, and don’t feel that this product is the best 7 bucks you’ve ever spent, just let us know within 14 days, and we'll give you your $7 back.

As I stated above, our business model today is about the bigger picture. We don’t want your $7 if you don’t see the value in what we provide you with.

Check out EscapePlan IS1 now… If it isn’t for you, no problem, we’ll 100% refund your $7… You can quote us on that.

So the question is…

Are You Serious About Making Money Online?

Yes, of course, everyone wants more money.
But money won’t just appear (not for most of us).

To acquire more money we need to do something, we need to take action. Even winning the lottery requires you to buy a lottery ticket.

To make money from digital products ‘in my opinion’ most people need a system to follow. Would the right system help you?

If one or more of the systems I’ve told you about has piqued your interest, or inspired you even a little, then instant access to EscapePlan IS1 ‘at this very moment’ is just a couple of clicks & $7 away.

This ‘one off’ price (currently $7) grants you access to the same systems I used to swap my dead-end job in the construction industry for life changing income, all from digital products.
If you’re truly serious about making money online…

The only question you should be asking yourself now is:

Can I Afford Not To Spend $7 On This?

You know the answer…

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Delivered Instantly. Start Using Right Now!

Get Everything For Just $7.00

$83.97 Using For The First Time!

I made 12 sales (totalling $83.97) It works!

Bobby Dolcee
 I bought a few of your products, it all has helped and I like the ability you have especially educating. 
Lyon Hamilton
 Legit method to making sales and money online, I used it for years, highly recommend it for anyone starting out... Great concept...  
Jason Fulton
 Hey Mark, man I remember you from WF, way back in the day, I have bought All of your products because your sales pages are not Hyped with unrealistic claims, just results. I have also promoted your products as an affiliate, and honestly yours were the first I made a dime from promoting through WF back in the day. I hope some day to be as successful as you and the few others I respect and admire. 
Brian Davis
 Thank you for reminding us of what is possible if we focus on that main thing, and do not quit or get distracted. 
John Lee Thomas
Oh, I Nearly Forgot To Mention This
Purchase EscapePlan IS1 Today & You'll Also…

Get My New Product: The Power Of 7 *Free:

I’ve just finished creating a new product called ‘The Power Of 7’ which details a number of psychology marketing tricks I’ve used for years (and still use today) to make more sales, and more commission without any additional work.

You can easily use these simple strategies yourself as we’re including this product with your $7 purchase of ‘EscapePlan IS1’.

Consider this an additional thank you bonus (there are no additional costs). You’ll get instant access to this additional product when you purchase ‘EscapePlan IS1’ today (currently priced at just $7).
*Free in the heading refers to ‘The Power Of 7’ being a free bonus included with any purchase of EscapePlan IS1 today. The Power Of 7 is only available free with EscapePlan IS1.

Your Own 'Pre-Made' IFTF System...

Don’t forget… If you want your own pre-built IFTF system too, you can pick it up on the next page, as soon as you purchase the EscapePlan IS1. 
Your own IFTF system is our ‘one and only’ Upsell… And it’s optional.

Ready To Get Started?

If you’re ready to ‘Do Something’ which can help you make money online… Click the button below to get started now.

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY

Your $7 is never at risk, take 14 days to check out the EscapePlan IS1. 
If it isn’t the best $7 you’ve ever spent, let us know and we’ll return your money.

Bonus Product

Included When You Purchase Today 

$27.00  FREE

ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY

Take a look at:

Everything You’ll Get Instant Access To.

For $37.00 Just $7.00 Today

Copy & Paste Affiliate System.

How to create your own copy & paste affiliate campaigns using existing material, and then share it for free. 

No list or costs involved. This is my go to quick cash system which I often use to make a quick $500 - $800 in affiliate commission for around 3 hours work.

The IFTF Affiliate System.

IFTF’s are fully built, fully automated systems which use ongoing tagging, hardcoding & automation.

We give away free training and the IFTF system does everything else for us… and enables us to make up to $1459.00 each time.

Capitalise On Vastly Overlooked Niches.

Discover how I made an extra $123,936 in 6 months from scratch, with zero experience, & zero capital. 

Working part time (evenings), while still working on construction sites during the day.

No Autoresponder Required.

We’ll show an almost fully automated affiliate system which doesn’t require you to use your own autoresponder, so there is never any set up, tech or domain authentication to do. But you can still access your leads whenever you want them.

The Digital Goldmine

Revealed… Which types of products make the most? We’ll show you the specific type of products we focus on to ensure we make more. 

E.G with the product type we’ll show you it’s possible to target 1 product but get paid from multiple without any additional effort.

Examples & Results.

A system is only ever as good as the results it enables the user to achieve. 

Inside EscapePlan IS1 we’ll share real examples which have been shared in public and corroborated, 10s of $1000s in real results, and feedback from system users.

Reverse Promotion Affiliate System.

To date this system has generated $318,037.23 from 2 versions. Plus $19,344.61 in commission on one account…And another $8,871.73 on another. 

9,714 people are either using this system now, or have used it to make affiliate commissions from digital products which they don’t, or didn’t even promote.

Step By Step Instructions

From picking the right product to implementing the affiliate systems. EscapePlan IS1 has the instructions you need. 

You’ll be amazed at what’s really possible in terms of extra income for ordinary people once they know how to use the right system.

My New Product: The Power Of 7

The Power Of 7 details a number of psychology marketing tricks to make more sales, and more commission without any additional work.

You can easily use these simple strategies yourself as we’re including this product with your $7 purchase of ‘EscapePlan IS1’ today.

Full EscapePlan IS Training & Walkthrough.

I’ll show you the next level systems we’ve been developing and working on for the last couple of years. Such as full IFTF systems which automates virtually the whole affiliate marketing business model & removes nearly all of the work.

This Offer Will Expire Without Notice


EscapePlan IS1 Is Delivered Instantly. So You Can Start Using Right Now!


ONLY $37 $7.00 TODAY


Your own IFTF system is our ‘one and only’ Upsell… And it’s optional. We'll offer you your own pre-built IFTF system immediately after purchasing EscapePlan IS1 (this product), currently priced at $7.00.
Your $7 is never at risk, take 14 days to check out the EscapePlan IS1. 
If it isn’t the best $7 you’ve ever spent, let us know and we’ll return your money.

Are There Any Additional Costs?
EscapePlan IS1 will cost you just $7.00 today, which is a one off cost. We will offer you 1 single upsell as an optional (not required) addition which is priced at $37. This upsell, as we have mentioned on this page is your own IFTF system, for more details on what an IFTF system is please take a moment to read the IFTF details included on this page. Systems: There may be costs depending on which systems you chose to use from those included in EscapePlan IS1, however we have included the copy and paste affiliate system which doesn’t cost anything to implement.
Can I really do this if I'm a complete beginner?
Yes, simply choose the system which feels like the best fit for you (from the multiple included systems) and follow the instructions. As it states on this page, anyone can achieve their goal with the right system, which is exactly what I did myself.
Is there a Guarantee?
Yes, if you buy EscapePlan IS1 today and decide for whatever reason it isn’t for you, then let us know and we will refund your $7.00 without question.
How do I access EscapePlan IS1?
EscapePlan IS1 is accessible via our EscapePlan IS online platform which can be accessed from any device with your unique credentials. Your access is linked to the email you use when you purchase EscapePlan IS1, and your password is user generated, I.E. you create your own password.
Do We Guarantee You Will Make Money?
EscapePlan IS1 includes multiple affiliate systems which are proven to make money for people from all walks of life. It is up to the customer to use what they purchase and we make no guarantees of financial reward. We do however guarantee that if you buy EscapePlan IS1 today and decide for whatever reason it isn’t for you that we will refund your $7.00 without question.
Are there any upgrades / upsells?
Yes, but only 1. As stated on this page, if you purchase EscapePlan IS1 today we will offer you your own pre-built IFTF system which is priced at $37. This is our only upsell, and it is optional (it isn’t required).

EscapePlan IS1 Systems devised and practised by Mark Bishop
EscapePlan IS affiliate system created by KelverSystems: Mark Bishop & John Merrick.

 All Income stated on this page is derived from one of systems covered in EscapePlan IS. All results shown are genuine. All testimonials are genuine and refer to one of systems covered in EscapePlan IS.  Original statements, results, posts, videos and testimonials held on file should verification be required.
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